3M Xtract Electric Random Orbital Sander, Ergonomic and
3M Xtract™ Electric Random Orbital Sander, 88760, 6 in, Central
3M Xtract™ Clean Sanding Solutions
3M Xtract™ Clean Sanding Solutions
Electric Random Orbital Sander Xtract™, CV 150mm, 5mm, 3M
New 3M Xtract Sander: Is It The Best Sander Ever? - YouTube
3M Xtract™ Clean Sanding Solutions
・VACUUM READY: For use with a central vacuum system or the 3M Xtract Portable Dust Extrator
・POWERFUL AND PRECISION-BALANCED 209W MOTOR: Whisper quiet for precision-balanced motor for smoother running
・HIGH QUALITY 3M ORBITAL SANDER: Built with high-quality components that stand up to long hours on the shop floor
・APPLICATIONS: Metal fabrication, primer sanding, gelcoat sanding, composite sanding, and woodworking
・PART OF THE 3M XTRACT CLEAN SANDING SOLUTIONS: When used with 3M Xtract Net Discs and dust extraction, the sytem extracts up to 97% of the dust created during sanding
・For industrial/occupational use only. Not for consumer sale or use.
カテゴリー: 研磨機
メーカー: 3M
ブランド: Xtract
高さ: 29.6 センチ
幅: 17.5 センチ
奥行: 13.9 センチ
重量: 1.5 Kg
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